Sanskrit language to be introduced in primary schools

Sanskrit language to be introduced in primary schools

Present state of Sanskrit in schools can easily be labeled as ‘sorry’. There is no impetus for its learning, no availability of books that can attract children or young minds and there are no worthy teachers who are genuinely inclined to teach this language whoever may turn up to them for help or guidance.

However, in view to promoting Sanskrit language in primary schools, Sanskritbharati has started a pilot project to popularize Sanskrit language in 10 schools of Maharashtra State of India.

Madhav Kelkar, the all India committee member remarked: “The agenda is to impart better Sanskrit education in schools and give more exposure of the ancient language at primary level.”

In order to make sure that there are some books that children can refer to and can grasp some easy meanings of Sanskrit language, Sanskritbharati has developed four books which can be used by any student from class I to class V.

On the popularity and the future of these books, Madhav Kelkar remarked: “In the last one year, more than 15,000 such books have been sold a testimony of the growing enthusiasm among children for learning Sanskrit. Now, we are planning to promote the project in more schools.”

It is a very good project to start with and it can later be extended to other states and regions of India. Sanskrit has a peculiar binding force of language that can give people of different states of India a passion to communicate with each other in one language–Sanskrit.

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