Telugu Names of Fruits

List of Telugu names of fruits from English

When learning Telugu names of fruits from English, it is better to understand the script that is used in Telugu.

Please also note that some of the fruits that have become popular in India nowadays are not originally from India, and therefore, don’t have a Telugu name as such but can be simply transliterated in Telugu language.

Here is a list of Telugu names of fruits form English. If you would like to know the Telugu name of any other fruit, you can contact us through comment section of this post.

We will love to hear from you if you would like to provide you feedback in making these tutorials more interesting or better.

At the same time, if you would like to suggest any other name of Telugu fruits, you are more than welcome.

Guava జామపండు
Apple నేరేడుపండు
Mango మామిడిపండు
Grapes ద్రాక్ష
Orange కమలాపండు
Pomegranate దానిమ్మపండు
Jack Fruit పనసపండు

193 thoughts on “Telugu Names of Fruits”

  1. wat do u cal narinja in telugu.
    its written in above conversation like narinja and kamala are same…
    but they were different.

  2. regi pandu in english we call as BAIROES, naredu pandu in english we call as JAMUNS. All these are correct no doubt about these names.

  3. Hi! How many of you read “Kanyasulkam” by “Gurizada Apparao”?

    It makes an excellent reading. Any way, for the benefit of those who have not read the book : Mr Gireesam is the hero and Venkatesam his student. Gireesam accompanies his student to his home in the village.Girisam is supposed to be teaching English to his ardent disciple. Venkatesm’s mother (an orthodox brahmin lady) while serving food asks her son “what do they call MINUMULU in English”. He has a real problem. He thinks a bit and answers “IS”.Then,his mother asks “fine, what then are PESALU called?”.This time Venkatesam has no problem. He answers with out any hesitation “WAS”.Well, the poor lady is highly impressed with the scholarship of her son and highly appreciative of his teacher.

    Well, I am equally impressed with your scholarship of “Telugu Language”.

  4. some of the replies are wrong,it is better to show the picture also ,but how to get the pictures of fruits

  5. some of the answers in this are not correct

    it will be better to show the picture of the fruit also ,but how we can get pictures of fruits

  6. mangosteen is called as “polapandu”=polafruit by the hilltribes in the RAMPA Country of Godavari agency.There is a 4447 feet dummakonda peak surrounded by villages POLOVA POLAMANUGONDI POLODDI named after pola. tree.

  7. Harshavardhan

    thanx we can know a lot 4m ur post
    melons are two varieties
    the first one is water melon: pucchakaya
    and the other one is
    musk melon : karbooja kaya

  8. Srikarsh Vardhan Reddy

    Srikarsh Vardhan Reddy :
    apple – seema regipandu సీమ రేగిపండు, Kaasmeera phalamu కాశ్మీర ఫలము
    Other apple fruits:
    custard apple- seethaaphalamu సీతాఫలము
    great red custard apple – raamaaphalamu రామాఫలము
    thorn apple – ummeththa kaaya ఉమ్మెత్తకాయ
    wood apple- velakkaaya వెలక్కాయ
    rose apple – allo neredu pandu అల్లోనేరేడు పండు

  9. blue berry ante telugulo eetha pallu antaru. evi ekkuvaga mahabub nagar dist lo dorukutai. only summer lo vuntai.

  10. In the list, apple is given as “Neredu pandu”, but apple telugu name is “seema regipandu”. and I dont know what they call “neredu (black ones)” in english. can anybody suggest for it??

  11. In the list, apple is given as “Neredu pandu”, but apple telugu name is “seema regipandu”. and I think “nerendu pandu” is called as “janmun” in english!

  12. hey tell me the correct meaning of blue berry and black berry in telugu or else any understandable language in english ….. ?
    plzz try it in telugu ….

    1. urey grape ante draksha ra babu…grape fruit ante its a type of citrus fruit telgu lo PAMPARA PANASKAYA antaru

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