As we move forward, we bring the second list of ‘one word substitution‘, giving the exact meaning of a sentence by a single word. These types of lists come pretty handy if you want to improve your vocabulary in English language.
That which cannot be engaged. | Irrevocable |
The statement is absolutely clear. | Explicit |
Confusion of mind. | Embarrassment |
Which cannot be pierced through. | Impenetrable |
Information considered to be reliable. | Authentic |
A movement which cannot be suppressed. | Irrepressible |
The science of vegetable life. | Botany |
A place where birds are kept. | Aviary |
To atone for all sins. | To expiate |
A room for storing grain. | Granary |
Deviation from the common rule. | Anomaly |
A lady’s umbrella. | Parasol |
That which cannot be hurt or wounded. | Invulnerable |
To run the risk of losing one’s life. | Jeopardize |
To carefully think about a matter. | Deliberate |
To change one’s mind so often. | Vacillate |
To frighten a person with the purpose of getting something out of him. | Intimidate |
To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of disease. | Aggravate |
An oft repeated truth. | Truism |
The murder of one’s own mother. | Matricide |
A member of the middle class. | Bourgeois |
A general pardon by the government to political offenders. | Amnesty |
To happen simultaneously with another event. | Synchronize |
That which cannot be counted. | Innumerable |
That can be explained. | Explicable |
Place of permanent residence. | Domicile |
A place for invalids or convalescents. | Sanatorium |
That we say about a man after his death. | Epitaph |
A speech made for the first time. | Maiden |
A speech made without previous preparation. | Extempore |
Unable to pay one’s debts. | Bankrupt |
Hand-writing which cannot be easily read. | Illegible |