List of Italian names of birds in English
Here is a list of Italian names of birds from English. If you would like to know Italian name of any other bird, you can contact us or ask through comment section of this post. We will love to hear from you if you would like to provide you feedback in making these tutorials more interesting or better.

Cardinal | il cardinale |
Chicken | il pollo |
Crane | la gru |
Duck | l’anatra |
Duckling | l’anatroccolo |
Eagle | l’aquila |
Flamingo | il fenicottero |
Goose | l’oca |
Hen | la gallina |
Ostrich | lo struzzo |
Owl | il gufo |
Parrot | il pappagallo |
Penguin | il pinguino |
Robin | il pettirosso |
Rooster | il gallo |
Turkey | il tacchino |
Woodpecker | il picchio |