If you have used any distro of GNU/Linux based operating system, you might have noticed that it has a stark similarity with IPL–Indian Premier League T20 Cricket tournament. Though this sounds strange but we will see, as we discuss the topic, that these two concepts are similar in their founding principle.

GNU/Linux is based on a community driven operating system, which is open source and can be used by users without paying any money. The driving force behind this concept is to make operating systems available to users around the world free of cost and developed by users themselves. Unlike many other paid operating systems, GNU/Linux maintains that it should be offered free to users so as to maximize creativity and evolution of computer systems.

IPL T20 on other hand showcases a similar point–it is not limited to some particular bi-country or triangular series where national teams of different countries play against each other. It is a concept where a pool of players get together and play to give maximum joy to spectators so as to create different ways in playing and watching the game of Cricket.
I have been an avid watcher of Cricket matches and do not like the noise that they produce in IPL T20 by getting the cheer-leaders and other stuff that was alien to Cricket till now. But I do like the spirit and approach in which these matches are played. You get players who had been smashing each other while playing for their respective countries gelling together in one unit and encouraging each other to perform better. This surely gives a better view of what Cricket has been known as–a gentleman’s game! I won’t shy to admit that the spirit of IPL T20 is great and can be taken to further heights.

Let us now discuss some points that mark the similarity between GNU/Linux and IPL T20 Cricket:
1. There is no limit of modifying or editing the ditros of GNU/Linux. In IPL T20, there is no limit of countries the players represent.
2. The GNU/Linux concept adds creativity and imagining of a wider pool in one single distro. The IPL T20 gets skills of wider pool in one single unit.
3. The GNU/Linux system has many distros that have different features and supported by different set of users. The IPL T20 has different units where players of different countries gel together to make a force.
4. The GNU/Linux system offers better entertainment and new creative ideas to users. IPL T20 matches provide different arenas of entertainment to spectators.
5. In GNU/Linux system, newbies are able to contribute just like experts and geeks in whatever way they can. In IPL T20, budding players get the chance to play internationally reputed players and hone their skills.
Though these two concepts are totally different in their area, but still I feel the spirit of open source is available in both the systems and they are just identical in their principles.