Ubuntu Experience: How it Feels

I am writing this article after testing Ubuntu on many systems and presently writing this post through it. My system based on Windows and double booted through Ubuntu is down and there’s some hardware problem in it and am reduced to work on a desktop working purely on Ubuntu 9.04 with Edubuntu derivative.

Now what and why I wanted to write this post? Basically, it is the answers to the questions that anybody would ask when he/she would be asked to try Linux and will perhaps offered a free CD of Ubuntu (though other distros also do well). I was asked to try Ubuntu by one of my friends Lokesh Goyal and he offered to install it also on my laptop–Dell Inspiron 1420. I trusted him and went ahead to give it a try.

In the initial stages, I faced a lot of problems locating short-cuts and direct access to many applications and programs. In the start, I was sceptical as how I will be able to manage my email; how will I print the documents; how will work in Office; and how easily I will be able to get used to the interface of Ubuntu? While writing this post, I have solved all these questions that could arise in anybody’s mind.

The basic advantage of any Linux distro is that its interface is not strikingly new or different. With minor adjustments, user can get used to locate everything and with a practice of, let’s say a week, you won’t feel much difference while you work with Linux.

At the end of the second consecutive day working on Ubuntu without any access to Windows, I can easily say that I am happy using it and don’t require Windows that much apart from the fact that I am not able to use ASCII fonts in Ubuntu presently. But with some time, I will be able to use them. Rest, it is thumbs up for Ubuntu!

2 thoughts on “Ubuntu Experience: How it Feels”

  1. This is excellent! Another new user of Ubuntu/Linux is born. I think there will be many more and we will see an increase in market share of Ubuntu/Linux.

    Welcome to the new world.

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