Spanish names of family relations and family members

List of Spanish names of relations and family members from English

Here is a list of Spanish names of relations and family members from English. If you would like to know the Spanish name of any other relation, you can contact us or ask through comment section of this post. We will love to hear from you if you would like to provide you feedback in making these tutorials more interesting or better.

Spanish Names of Relations
Spanish Names of Relations
Father el padre
Mother la madre
Brother el hermano
Sister la hermana
Son el hijo
Daughter la hija
Grandfather el abuelo
Grandmother la abuela
Grandparents los abuelos
Grandchildren los nietos
Uncle el tío
Aunt la tía
Nephew el sobrino
Niece la sobrina
Husband el marido
Wife la mujer
Fiancé el novio
Fiancée la novia
Cousin el/la primo/a
Bother-in-law el hermano político
Sister-in-law la hermana política
Father-in-law el padre político
Mother-in-law la madre política

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