He works as a English professor in Doaba College, Jalandhar. However, his passion about conserving the house sparrows, known as Passer Domesticus Indicus, led him to do research in this field and come to conclude that mobile towers have contributed in the sharp reduction of these indicators of good environment.
He, along with some of the his friends, got together and constituted an NGO–Dastak Welfare Council–to save sparrows. He prepares wooden nests for these sparrows and distribute it to families who show their interest in this regard. He has been successful in bringing back the chirp of house sparrows to the city-life of Jalandhar.
He dreams of making a butterfly park in Jalandhar, as he figures out that larvae of butterflies make major chunk of the diet of sparrows and most of the birds.
You can contact Mr. Sandeep:
Mobile: 9815507036
Email: sandeep.chahal72@gmail.com

Today I read your arrival for nests for birds.Since long I am looking for nests for hanging the same in lawn/house trees.Pl let me know from where I can have.Thanking you.
Today I read your artical for nests for birds.Since long I am looking for nests for hanging the same in lawn/house trees.Pl let me know from where I can have.Thanking you.