Continuing our tryst with our exploration of ‘one word substitution‘ list, we present more words as they keep coming. These words are intended to give the exact meaning of a sentence by a single word. These types of lists come pretty handy if you want to improve your vocabulary in English language.
One who searches for minerals or mining sites. | Prospector |
One under the protection of another. | Protege |
One who pretends to be a doctor. | Quack |
An expert at story-telling. | Raconteur |
One who retires from society to live a solitary life. | Recluse |
A newly enlisted soldier or sailor. | Recruit |
One who takes refuge in a foreign country. | Refugee |
One who walks in his sleep. | Somnambulist |
One who talks in his sleep. | Somniloquist |
One whose reasoning is clever yet false. | Sophist |
One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage. | Stowaway |
One who takes over after another. | Successor |
One given up to luxurious living. | Sybarite |
One who abstains from alcoholic drinks. | Teetotaller |
One who eats no animals flesh. | Vegetarian |
One who has the art of speaking in such a way that the sound seems to come from another person/place. | Ventriloquist |
One who offers his service of his own free will. | Volunteer |
One given to sensual pleasures and bodily enjoyment. | Voluptuary |
A lover of animals. | Zoophilist |
Government by the nobility. | Aristocracy |
Government by a sovereign with uncontrolled authority. | Autocracy |
The right of self-government. | Autonomy |
Government by departments of state. | Bureaucracy |
An official numbering of the population. | Census |
The wife or husband of a king or queen. | Consort |
Government by divine guidance/Government of the church by bishops. | Episcopacy |
The period between two reigns. | Interregnum |
Government by the worst citizens. | Kakistocracy |
Government by a few. | Oligarchy |
Government by the wealthy. | Plutocracy |
The science of government. | Politics |
To decide a political question by the direct vote of the whole electorate. | Referendum |