List of Gujarati Names of Fruits from English–ફળો
Here is a list of Gujarati names of fruits from English. If you would like to know the Gujarati name of any other fruit, you can contact us through the comment section of this post.
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Fig | અંજીર |
Guava | જામફળ |
Pineapple | અનનાસ |
Apple | સફરજન |
Water Melon | તરબૂચ |
Mango | કેરી |
Banana | કેળુ |
Grapes | દ્રાક્ષ |
Orange | નારંગી |
Pomegranate | દાડમ |

cn i plz get the gujarati name of craneberry fruit
I want to know the Gujarati name of “PERSIMMON.”
Pl. help.
@Rajendra Joshi
It can be રજા, પરવાનગી, અનુમતિ, મંજૂરી
gujarati name of fruit CRANEBERRY
i also want to know
Craneberry is called karamada in gujarati
gujarati name please
I want to know gujarati name for Apricot & blueberries. Both are fruit.
what is the gujarati name for avocado?
what’s meaning of darjido in english?
what you call jamrukh in english
કોઠા નું english kahesho?
અને બિલ્લા નું પણ….
Do you know English names for Gujarati fruits: Chania bor and Ajmeri bor?
@paresh patel Falsa and blueberries 2 diffret flavour falsa is sour blueberry is always sweet in nature yes they both are berries
wht is gujarati name of Avocados?
What is the gujarati name of fruit Blueberries ?
what is the mean of the fruit,it’s a gujarati name is “galeli” ????
what is the meaning of nutmeg ground?
nutmeg means jaiphal
nutmeg ground mean grinded japiphal
English name of
Rayan please, it is yellow fruit with white milk like juice in the middle, it can get sticky if left dry on face.
Hi..Gujarati “kottha” or “kotthu” is called “Wood-Apple” in English.
Grapefruit and mosambi are different.
Mosambi= Tangerine in English. Grapefruit is different. I don’t know what is name in Gujarati for it.
Grapefruit is called ‘Papanas’.
there isnt a name for grapefruit in gujarati.. grapefruit isnt availabe here!
grape fruit is called gaddha limbu like donkey limbu
There is no Gujarati for Avacados. It’s not Jacfruit or Guava. Guava = Jamphal. or @apurv
Kottha =Wood-Apple in English. What is Billa fruit?? I don’t know.
No Mitthamali and Gorasambali not found here USA. I live in the USA there is no
Goras Ambli, Sitaphal, Kottha, Karmda, Falsa, Ryan, Jambu, Setur, Liliy Badam, Katra, Ambli, All types of bor (like channi bor, ra bor, surti bor), Naspati, Chibhada, Fresh Amla, Fresh Chiku, Sherdi (Ghanna), Fresh Nariyer-Pani with Malai, Kesar-Keri, Aafoos-Keri, my most favorite -Ratnagiri Afoos. They are not found or grown here. So, be happy if you are in India, enjoying thes fruits in season and stop complaining. I have been living here for almost 26 years now and missing all this. But I still remember all this. I was only 13 When I moved to the USA.
and Kottha =Wood-Apple in English. What is Billa fruit?? I don’t know.
@K P
Forgot to add Kachi-lilee Keri and Desi-Makai to my list. Let me know if you want me to add list of vegetables too. I remember them all.
So the reason I mentioned all of the names to you so you realize that it’s not easy to find English names for many of these Indian fruits or vegetables, since we don’t find or grow them here commercially. Even if Indian families do grow them in their private homes and land area according to the suitable weather condition in their state here in America, they are just using the Indian/gujrati/hindi/or whatever their Indian language names for those fruits/vegetables.
Comment 1.
I live in the USA there is no Goras Ambli, Sitaphal, Kottha, Karmda, Falsa, Ryan, Jambu, Setur, Liliy Badam, Katra, Ambli, All types of bor (like channi bor, ra bor, surti bor), Naspati, Chibhada, Fresh Amla, Fresh Chiku, Sherdi (Ghanna), Fresh Nariyer-Pani with Malai, Kesar-Keri, Aafoos-Keri, my most favorite -Ratnagiri Afoos. They are not found or grown here.
So, be happy if you are in India, enjoying these fruits in the season and stop complaining. I have been living here for almost 26 years now and missing all this. But I still remember all this. I was only 13 When I moved to the USA.
Apricot= Jaldaru
No Gujarati for Blueberry.
I don’t think there is Gujarati for Persimmon…it’s orange colored fruit. Very tasty..almost looks like Orange colored hard tomato…but is different looking from inside.
@Rajendra Joshi
to good question
What is the English name of Gujarati ‘ setur ‘
And what is usage of ‘setur ‘
Darjido is a bird which makes its nest with unique design. moreover they use sticks to stich the leaves of tree for nest .so in short darjido means bird who stitches like tailor.In gujrati tailor means Darji.
and sitaful is a custard apple.
I’m BAMS student.. I want prefer Gujarati book of dravya guna and rasasastra.. Please can u tell me which book is good…???