Future Continuous Tense

Identification: when the work is pending and will be done. The time of the sentence is future.

1. I shall be doing my work.
2. My mother will be giving me tea.
3. You will be coming to my home.

Helping verbs used: will be, shall be

Affirmative: use of shall be with I and We; use of will be with plural and you (plural).

1. I shall be doing my work.

2. She will be getting ready for the school.

3. They will be drinking tea not milk.

Negative: use of will not be, shall not be

1. I shall not be doing my work.

2. She will not be getting ready for the school.

3. They will not be drinking tea but milk.

Interrogative: use of will and shall at the beginning of the sentence followed by subject and then be

1. Will you be going to school?

2. Will he be working in his office?

3. Shall I be speaking there too?

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