List of Bengali Names of numerals form English–সংখ্যা
Here is a list of Bengali names of numerals from English. I have provided both English and Bengali numerals.
If you would like to know the Bengali name of any other numeral, you can contact us or leave your comment. Feel free to tell us how we can make this tutorial more interesting and useful.
One | এক |
Two | দুই |
Three | তিন |
Four | চার |
Five | পাঁচ |
Six | ছয় |
Seven | সাত |
Eight | আট |
Nine | নয় |
Ten | দশ |

Please tell how to write numerals in bengali:
one ; 1 =
two ; 2 =
three ; 3 =
four ;4 =
Five ; 5=
six ; 6 =
seven ; 7 =
eight ; 8 =
nine ; 9 =
ten ; 10 =
Thanks .
At the end of this link, you will see how to write these numerals:
This is a complete guide to learning Bengali alphabet and the numerals also. Thanks!
Dear Vivek Kumar
I am trying to learn Bengali and found this site interesting.
At the starting of the page, and under the heading of ” List of Bengali Numbers form English, I find that against each numeral or number in english, I only find a line of small squares.
Do I have to download any specific software for this. I checked the Indian numerals and against the english numbers, I dould see them written in hindi.
Also is it possible that the Benghali phonetic sound for the numbers as well as other basic nouns, verbs or adjective or usual daily common use phrases with sound could be added.
If not, could you kindly direct me to some useful site for this purpose
Well, I am not sure why it is happening because I see them coming naturally and none of my readers has complained about that. One possible reason could be Windows Version–may I know what OS you are using? If possible, please try it on some different systems with different configuration; or ask any of your friend to try open that page.
Apart from that, I will try and direct you to some good websites related to Bengali. Thanks for vising.