kids poems

Poem on importance of time in english

English Poem for Kids

This poem is in English and I wrote it for my daughter’s school project. For the last week, my wife and I have been searching a lot on the internet for a suitable poem that my daughter could use–she is the 1st grade and has a poetry recitation competition coming up. So, after tiring from […]

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बच्चों की कविता

Hindi poem for kids about a fish

Poem in Hindi for kids–बाल कविता बच्चों की कविता सुन कर कई बार आपको हंसी आ जाती है क्योंकि कुछ कवितायें चिरकाल से चलती आ रही हैं तथा आपके बाल्य काल से वो ही पाठशालाओं तथा विद्यालयों में पढ़ाई जा रही हैं। ऐसी ही एक नर्सरी कविता नीचे दी गई है… मछली जल की रानी

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Hindi poem for kids

Hindi poem for kids

Poem in Hindi for kids–बाल कविता Below is a simple Hindi poem for kids that is centered on an elephant: हाथी राजा सबको भाते, बस केले और गन्ने खाते। रोज़ नदी के तट पर जाते, पानी से फ़िर ख़ूब नहाते। It’s English translations is as follows: The Elephant king is liked by everyone, He eats

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