jokes about rajnikanth

Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth can give pain to Painkillers and headache to Anacin. ________________________________ 2. Time and tide wait for Rajnikanth. ________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth sneezed only once in his entire life; that’s when the tsunami occurred in the Indian ocean. ________________________________ 4. As a child when Rajnikanth had dyslexia, he simply re-scripted the alphabet. ________________________________ 5. Rajnikanth […]

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Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. When you say “no one is perfect”, Rajnikant takes this as a personal insult. ______________________________________________ 2. In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Rajnikanth could use to kill you, including the room itself. ______________________________________________ 3. Words like awesomeness, brilliance, legendary etc. were added to the dictionary in the year 1949. That was

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Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Once Rajnikant got into a fight with Superman. The loser had to wear his underwear over his pant for the rest of his life. _______________________________________ 2. Once Dinosaurs borrowed money from Rajnikanth and refused to pay him back. That was the last time someone saw Dinosaurs. _______________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth can build a snowman…out of

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Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. The square root of Rajnikanth is pain. Do not try to square Rajnikanth, the result is death. _________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth has a deep and abiding respect for human life unless it gets in his way. _________________________________ 3. In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Rajnikanth could use to kill you, including the

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Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajni is so hot…the cigarette burns before it’s lit. __________________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth irons his shirts while he’s wearing them. __________________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth wrote a check without any bank balance and the bank bounced. __________________________________________ 4. Only Rajnikanth can smell what the rock is cooking. __________________________________________ 5. Intel’s new tag line…. RAJNIKANT INSIDE! __________________________________________

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Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth can cut knife with apple. ___________________________________ 2. What does GOD exclaim when he is shocked? Oh my Rajnikanth! ___________________________________ 3. After 20 years, Robots will make a movie called Rajnikanth. ___________________________________ 4. When Rajnikanth logs on to, Facebook updates its status message. ___________________________________ 5. CAT is outdated. Now, the students have to

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Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth doesn’t wear a watch. He decides what time it is. _____________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth has already been to Mars, that’s why there are no signs of life there. _____________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth can play the violin with a piano. _____________________________________ 4. Micheal Jordan to Rajni: “I can spin a ball on my finger for over

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Poem on importance of time in english

Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Whenever Rajnikanth left a country free, the people celebrated their independence day. ___________________________________________ 2. For Rajnikanth, there is no theory of Big Bang. He simply believes that he laughed at a joke that day and the whole world came into existence. ___________________________________________ 3. All the seekers of truth are looking for one thing; what?

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