After you are done with the initial steps before the installation of Linux, Insert the CD (Compact Disk) of Ubuntu and restart the system. Change the first boot device to CD-ROM because you have to boot your system through CD of Ubuntu. After booting from Ubuntu CD, the first screen that you will see is to choose the language.
After choosing the language, next screen will appear.

The first option is:
Try Ubuntu Linux without any change to your computer
This option is to try Ubuntu without installing it. It will make Ubuntu load on RAM instead of hard disk.
With the help of this option you can see the interface of Ubuntu as the operating system. If you have never installed Ubuntu on your system earlier then I will recommend you to give it a try by using the first option. If Ubuntu does not run properly through this option then it might show you the same problems after installing it on your hard disk.
The second option is
Install Ubuntu
Here is the option to which you are looking for. Choose this option if you are ready for Installation. Before entering to this option please make sure that you have created the free space as guided in my last article ‘Preparing system for Linux Installation’
If due to some problem this option does not work, then, to start installation process, press F6 and write noapic
The other options are:
- Check CD for Defects to check the condition of the disk
- Check memory to check whether the system has sufficient RAM
- Boot from first hard drive to exit the installation
Now, let us come back to the second option install Ubuntu:
After choosing install Ubuntu, it will start loading Ubuntu kernel and other system files in your system.
After this, the system will automatically restart and start-up screen will appear.
Let me point out here that Ubuntu is not yet installed on the hard disk. You can try the software applications in the Ubuntu start-up screen. If you are finally ready to install it on the hard disk, click on the install icon on the desktop >

It will show the 1 of 7 steps of installation
Step 1:-

choose the language and click forward >

choose the city >

choose keyboard layout and click forward >

It will start the partitioner.
Now, you will see the most crucial option of the installation. Choosing the wrong option could lead to the loss of data. So read twice before implementing this option.
We have two conditions to assign the partition to Ubuntu(you will see one of the two):-
1. If you have unallocated free space, then you will see the options like this.

Choosing the first option ‘Guided use entire disk’ will erase all the data including partitions of the disk and create single partition as Linux partition.
Choosing second option ‘use the largest continuous free space’ will assign unallocated free space to Linux partitioning.
If you choose third option ‘manual’, then you will have to assign the partitions manually which is bit difficult. Choose this option only if you know about the manual partitioning of Ubuntu.
Choose first option if you want to use the entire disk with Ubuntu Linux and choose second if you are using dual booting or want your free and unallocated space to work as Ubuntu partitions.
2. And if you have free space but you do not un-allocate it then the options will be:-

First option will show the partition that has enough free space for Ubuntu installation. You can adjust the space by dragging through the mouse. And the second and third options I have already discussed.

In this option you have to create administrator account with Ubuntu. After forwarding, the next option will appear.

This option is to ‘migrate documents and settings’
If you are using Windows on the backhand, then this option will migrate your Window documents and setting to Linux. It will import all the files to Linux..
Click forward >The last screen will look like this.

Click on ‘install’. it will start partitioning and installing Ubuntu Linux on your system.

best installation guide !
It is good but i installed the ubuntu without restarting the system i just insert the CD and then ubuntu gets installed
hi team,
very good information.