How to Prepare Your System For Linux Installation

Before the installation process you need to prepare your system for Linux. This preparation includes memory management. You will have to gather some free space before you start the installation process. Linux does not support FAT or NTFS. It creates its own ext3 partitions.
Linux requires 10 to 15 GB of free space for installation.

Ubuntu Minimum Requirements

To run Ubuntu through Live CD, your system should have at least 384 MB of RAM. And to install Ubuntu on your machine, the minimum RAM required is 256 MB. You should have minimum 4GB of disk space for installation.

Partitioning For Linux

Important Note :- It is being heard that lots of people lose their data while partitioning for Linux. either their full hard drive is formatted or they delete some important drive. So, be careful while partitioning your drive for Linux.

For RedHat Linux

RedHat uses Unallocated Space to create partitions for itself. So, If you have to install RedHat Linux then you will have to delete any one of the existing partition and generate unallocated space, that unallocated space will be used by Linux to create its partitions .

Steps to delete the partition :-

Caution:- Deleting the partition leads to Loss of Data

Right click on My computer > Click Manage > Go to Disk Management > Right click on the partition you want to delete > Click on ‘Delete logical drive’

delete logical drive screenshot
delete logical drive screenshot

The unallocated space will look like this.

unallocated space
unallocated space

For Ubuntu Linux

To install Ubuntu Linux you need not to un-partition any drive. You just have to empty minimum 10GB space in any partition; Ubuntu will automatically detect it and use it for partitioning.

Caution :- Before un-partitioning the space, take backup of important data- one wrong step of yours could lead to loss of data.

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