English to German Names of Fruits

List of German names of fruits from English

Here is a list of German names of fruits from English. If you would like to know the name of any other fruit in German, please feel free to ask. If you have any suggestions or feedback to make these tutorials better, we will love to hear from you.

Pears Die Birnen
Raspberries Die himbeeren
Pineapple Die Ananas
Apple Die Äpfel
Apricots Die Aprikosen
Mango Mango
Banana Die Banane
Grapes Die Weintrauben
Oranges Die Apfelsinen
Date Die Dattel

4 thoughts on “English to German Names of Fruits”

  1. While I appreciate the list, the problem here (and everywhere else I’ve found German vocab lists!) is that by giving the plural form we can’t possibly learn the gender of each word because ‘die’ is always the definite article for plurals regardless of gender

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