While posting images in your blog or in your post, it often is needed that you want to scale down your images to fit into the resolution that you have set for your blog. These images can be resized using software that are free to use and some of them are chargeable. However, if you want to use an open-source software like GIMP, it is quite easy to resize your images.
Once you open the image you want to resize in GIMP, you can open the menu and go to “image” drop-down. In this, there is a command of “scale image” and once you click it, you will get options to put in the value of pixels that you want to have for your image. There are various options that you fill here like pixels, points, millimeters, percent, inches, etc. If you enter the width parameter, it will automatically pick up the length parameter according to the size of the image you want to resize.

After you put in the parameters and command it to resize, there is nothing extra to be done. The results will be shown there and then you can change again if you are not satisfied with the outcome.
Once you have resized the image and if you are satisfied with its size, you will have to save it so that you can use it. I have used other software like MS-Paint, MS Power Point and VSO Image Resizer but doing the same task in GIMP is pretty easy and now I use it frequently.