Telugu Names of Birds

List of Telugu names of birds from English

Here is a list of Telugu names of birds from English. If you would like to know Telugu name of any other bird, you can contact us through comment section.

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Telugu Names of Birds
Telugu Names of Birds
Peacock నెమలి
Cock కోడి
Crow కాకి
Crane కొంగ
Cuckoo కోకిల
Parrot చిలుక
Swan హంస
Dove పావురము
Owl గుడ్లగూబ

69 thoughts on “Telugu Names of Birds”

  1. These are the names of common birds that every body know.
    It would be more helpful if you could provide the names of birds like BABUL, BULBUL, WOOD PECKER etc..

  2. Babul is a tree not a bird.

    Bulbul is Pigili-Pitta in Telugu.–పిగిలిపిట్ట

    Woodpecker is Manuvotupulugu in Telugu.–మానువోటుపులుగు

  3. Well, Guvva is a general term in Telugu given to a lot of sparrows. So, I am sorry I can’t provide you the specific name of the bird that is shown in the picture. I will try to explore it further and would report if I could get something. Thanks!

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