Telugu Names of Birds

List of Telugu names of birds from English

Here is a list of Telugu names of birds from English. If you would like to know Telugu name of any other bird, you can contact us through comment section.

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Telugu Names of Birds
Telugu Names of Birds
Peacock నెమలి
Cock కోడి
Crow కాకి
Crane కొంగ
Cuckoo కోకిల
Parrot చిలుక
Swan హంస
Dove పావురము
Owl గుడ్లగూబ

69 thoughts on “Telugu Names of Birds”

  1. Hi
    I want to know the english or scientific name of kovnjuu pitta
    (they are small and normally present in villages. Their eggs are in balck in colour and . these species are e economic important.
    .pls help me to find the name .)

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