Telugu Names of Seasons

List of Telugu names of seasons from English–ఋతువులు

Here is a list of Telugu names of seasons of the year from English.

If you would like to suggest something or give your feedback, do not hesitate to leave a comment or contact us.

English Telugu
Seasons ఋతువులు
Spring వసంతఋతు
Summer గ్రష్మము
Rainy Season నర్షకాలము
Winter చలికాలము

11 thoughts on “Telugu Names of Seasons”

  1. Rainy Season నర్షకాలము
    Winter చలికాలము

    Rainy season in telugu called as “Hemantharuthuvu”

    winter in telugu is called as “shradruthuvu”

  2. మీరు పదాన్ని తప్పుగా టైపుచేసినట్టున్నారు. అందువల్లే చెప్పాను.

  3. What will be called ‘Autumn’ season in telugu. As far I know Autumn season means ‘Aaakuraalu kalam’ but I want the exact word.

  4. a small effort, a transliteration in latin characters, a linguist don’t need to learn 20 alphabets,difficult to understand?

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