Telugu Names of Metal

List of Telugu names of metals

Here is a list of Telugu names of metals from English. If you would like to know Telugu name of any other metal or non-metal or even mineral, you can contact us through comment section.

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Metals in EnglishMetals in Telugu

34 thoughts on “Telugu Names of Metal”

  1. i need names of these specified metals in telugu plz help me in finding it out:-

    iron ore

  2. i need names of these specified metals in telugu plz help me in finding it out:-
    Nickel base matriel: nickel chromium titanium manganese

    1. Sathya Narayanan

      Iron Ore – ఇనుము ధాతువు Inumu dhātuvu
      nickel, ilmenite, kyanite, and sillimite do not have equivalent words in English. In most palces, they are used in transliteration in Telugu.

  3. Sir I shall be happy if you provide the English name of the metal caled Tagaram / Tagada,in telugu and oblige. please send it to my eMail ID thanks.

    Rathan Raj

    1. Sathya Narayanan

      This word rathendi appears to be a colloquial usage in some segment sof Telugu population. There is no equivalent word seems tob e available in English.

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