Spanish names of body parts

List of Spanish names of body parts from English

Here is a list of Spanish names of body parts from English. If you would like to know the Spanish name of any other body, you can contact us or leave your question in the comment section. We will reply accordingly. If you have any suggestion or feedback to make these tutorials better, feel free to let us know.

Spanish names of Body Parts
Spanish names of Body Parts
Arm el brazo
Back la espalda
Backbone la columna vertebral
Brain el cerebro, el seso
Breast, chest el pecho
Buttocks las nalgas
Calf la pantorrilla
Ear el oído, la oreja
Elbow el codo
Eye el ojo
Foot el pie
Hair el pelo
Head la cabeza
Heart el corazón
Hip la cadera
Leg la pierna
Mouth la boca
Shoulder el hombre
Tongue la lengua

3 thoughts on “Spanish names of body parts”

  1. Hi Gaurav ,Lokesh and Vivek bhaiya, i just happened to go through the site and just couldn’t help writing this here (as i was unable to find any other place to add my comment.. lol)..I must tell you I liked this site a lot and more importantly feel proud how you guys have worked,put so much effort to make this site worth what it’s right now.
    Hats off to you guys!!
    Keep working like this, and the kind of potential you have, you’ll achive gr8 heights!!!

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