Gujarati Names of Colors (Colours)

List of Gujarati Names of Colors (Colours)–રંગો

Here is a list of Gujarati names of colors (colours) from English. We have provided the names of commonly known colours. If you would like to know Gujarati name of any other color (colour), you can contact us or ask through comment section of this post. At the same time, if you know the Gujarati name of any other particular colour that is missing from this list, please do share it with us for the benefit of other users.

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English Names of ColoursGujarati Names of Colours

12 thoughts on “Gujarati Names of Colors (Colours)”

  1. There is a poem in English which contains the line ‘Three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati’. Do you have any idea what this refers to? Does it have any meaning? Also. could you tell me what ‘Three violet wishes’ looks like written in Gujarati? I have a school homework to make an illustration for this poem, and I would like to use the correct Gujarati script. Thanks

  2. Well,

    I will check if I can find out what it basically means.

    Three violet wishes–you want them me to translate in Gujarati or want just a transliteration of these English words in Gujarati script. Once you answer, I will get it done. Thanks!

  3. Your first option please: I would like a proper translation of the phrase ‘three violet wishes’, and then how it would be written in Gujarati. If possible, I would like a phonetic version of the translation as well, so that I can have some idea what it would sound like spoken, because the poem says ‘spoken in Gujarati’.
    As regards meaning, I don’t know if the poet had a meaning in mind, I just wondered if the phrase has any significance, or if he just thought it would sound good!

  4. I have tried but failed. Someone from even Gujarat–the state where this language is spoken–told me that he does not know what it is. I am trying on twitter also but nobody seems to be replying to me.

    Am making efforts and hope we will get something about this.

  5. I think we won’t be able to find it. No one even from Gujarat knows what it might mean.

    Someone told me that we could not put the literal translation of these words in Gujarati for you to use. I am sorry but I see that we might not be able to make it.

  6. That is strange. So this idea can never be imagined or spoken by someone who speaks only in gujarati? I wonder if the man who wrote the poem knew this! Cheers, bye.

  7. Smita Ankadawala

    never heard this before. Dont claim to be an expert, but do have deep knowledge of the language and literature as mother tongue and was head of the department

  8. Smita Ankadawala

    (1) could you please quote the full poem, where the reference is made?
    (2) if you have access, please find Bhagvad Gomandol. Multi-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary of Gujarati language which is authentic work for the language
    you may send me email also
    curious to find reply/information

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