Xubuntu is a community designed operating system and is developed keeping security in mind. The users get free security updates for at least 18 months and with the Long Term Support (LTS) version you get three years support through.

Ways to get involved with Xubuntu and to contribute to its development.
Running the latest versions of Xubuntu and testing them on various systems in a good way to contribute. If you find some bugs, you can report the bugs. This is one of the primary areas where users can contribute to Xubuntu.
If you are a non-technical user, advocacy of Xubuntu is the best thing that you can do. You can tell others to check this operating system. If you help in documentation and writing about Xubuntu, there are numerous opportunities for you.
There’s always a need of people who can help in marketing and promotion of Xubuntu. If you want to contribute here, you can contact #xubuntu-devel on freenode. Apart from this, if you want to contribute to the Artwork team of Xubuntu, there are wide possibilities.
4. Translation
Like any software, translation into different languages is always a welcome opportunity. If you can help in this and know any language other than English, you can help a lot.
5. Programming
Well, if you are a technical user and handle code, you can express you poetry here. You can check the regulations and opportunities of developing team for Xubuntu and check what you can contribute.