Similar Letter in Sanskrit and English

Similar Letter in Sanskrit and English

Okay, we are here to discuss one very nice concept–similarity between Sanskrit and English. There’s a lot of research going on to find out some connection between these two languages.

I am here to present one letter structure that is almost similar in both Sanskrit and English and that has the same sound in both the languages. I will provide the image for both these letters of Sanskrit and English.

Similar Letter in Sanskrit and English
Similar Letter in Sanskrit and English

I will ask you to consider the structure of letter ‘p’ in English language. Now, its corresponding sound in Sanskrit would be ‘प’. Now, if you consider the structure of form of both these letters, you will notice that ‘p’ is the mirror image of letter ‘प’ in Saskrit or vice-versa. The sound of both these letters is same and so is the structure but only in mirror form.

The smaller form this letter in English is constructed in different forms using different fonts, but the capital form or the block form of letter ‘p’ is the mirror image of letter ‘प’.

There are lots of words that are common in Sanskrit and English but not many letters.

3 thoughts on “Similar Letter in Sanskrit and English”

  1. So… are you arguing that this "similarity" is based on some process of influence, or allowing (rightly, I think) for it to be convergence through different paths?

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