Kannada Names of Animals

List of Kannada names of animals from English

Here is a list of Kannada names of animals from English. If you would like to know the Kannada name of any other animal, you can contact us or leave your comment. If you have any suggestions or feedback to make these tutorials better, we will love to hear from you.

Kannada Names of Animals
Kannada Names of Animals

Elephant ಆನೆ
Monkey ಕೋತಿ, ಮಂಗ
Horse ಕುದುರೆ
Deer ಜಂಕೆ
Jackal ನರಿ
Pig ಹಂದಿ
Bear ಕರಡಿ
Snake ಹಾವು, ಸರ್ಪ
Bull ಗೊಳಿ, ಬಸವ
Cow ದನ, ಹಸು ಆಕಳು
Buffalo ಕೋಣ
Lion ಸಿಂಹ
Tiger ಹುಲಿ
Leopard ಚಿರತೆ
Camel ಒಂಟೆ
Goat ಮೇಕೆ, ಆಡು
Cat ಬೆಕ್ಕು
Dog ನಾಯಿ

27 thoughts on “Kannada Names of Animals”

  1. Is there a name for Octopus in kannada? I tried a to lot to search it. I bet it should have a name if Indians had discovered octopous long before the advent of foreigners. Please share your thoughts on this.

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